Author: Diane Gramley

Action Alert – The US Senate Is Back in Session Today and . . .

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is determined to bring the misnamed “Respect for Marriage Act” forward for a vote, but he needs ten Republicans to join all the Democrats in order to bring it forward for a full floor vote. Remember it passed the US House with 47 Republicans voting for it!! Sadly, the GOP seems less inclined to support natural marriage than they were in 2015 when the US Supreme Court forced so-called same-sex marriage on all 50 states.

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Podcast – Danger of Governor Wolf’s Executive Order Banning “Conversion Therapy”; Guest: David Pickup

Term-limited Governor Tom Wolf has recently issued an executive order that prohibits “conversion therapy” for minors. This is something that has been pushed by LGBTQ+ activists for a long time. Several PA cities including Allentown, Bethlehem, Erie, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia have banned this type therapy for minors. But just what is it that makes “conversion therapy,” as they call it, so dangerous?

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Action Alert – This Proposed Policy Change Sets the Country Back 50 Years

If they receive any federal dollars, pre-K through university level schools would be required to allow biological males who identify as female to play girls’ sports, use their locker and shower rooms and even share hotel rooms with them if a sporting event requires an overnight stay. This proposed rule change by the US Department of Education completely rewrites Title IX and destroys the protections to girls that were implemented in 1972.

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