Category: Uncategorized

Podcast: The Truth About Banned Books Week; Guest: Linda Harvey, Mission America

Going to the American Library Association’s website and you are immediately confronted with “Banned Books Week – September 22-28 – it says the ALA documented 4,240 unique book titles targeted for censorship in 2023—a 65% surge over 2022 numbers—as well as 1,247 demands to censor library books, materials, and resources. Pressure groups focused on public libraries in addition to targeting school libraries. The number of titles targeted for censorship at public libraries increased by 92% over the previous year, accounting for about 46% of all book challenges in 2023. There must be a lot of folks out there burning books, but just how do they define “banned books”?

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Action Alert – Demand Her Resignation

More and more is coming out about what happened on July 13th in Butler, PA. The incompetence of the Secret Service director has been exposed by her response as well as whistleblowers who have come forward. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle must resign!

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Podcast – 2022 Beijing Olympics Boycott or Not? Guest: Steve McConkey

If all goes as planned the 2020 Olympics will be taking place in Tokyo July 23 to August 8, 2021, after being postponed last year because of COVID. Yes, they’ll still be referred to as the 2020 Olympics even though they will be taking place in 2021 — it’ll be interesting to see how the absence of the 2021 Summer Olympics will be explained to future generations! But today we’ll be talking about the 2022 Winter Olympics and the fact that the Olympic Committee chose Beijing as the location. So, the question is: Should the US boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics?

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Merry Christmas!

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.

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Action Alert – Special Day of Prayer for President Trump

“. . . then hear from heaven Your dwelling place their prayer and their supplications, and maintain their cause, and forgive Your people who have sinned against You.” II Chronicles 6:39
“The Lord is far from the wicked, But He hears the prayer of the righteous.” Proverbs 15:29
“Hear my prayer, O God; Give ear to the words of my mouth.” Psalm 54:2

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History of Memorial Day

Memorial Day, as Decoration Day gradually came to be known, originally honored only those lost while fighting in the Civil War. But during World War I the United States found itself embroiled in another major conflict, and the holiday evolved to commemorate American military personnel who died in all wars.

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