News Release
For Immediate Release: October 16, 2011
Contact: Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
More “Tolerance” by the Intolerant
(Franklin, PA) — Homosexual activists cry ‘tolerance’ very loudly, yet show the least tolerance towards those who do not agree with them. Another perfect example of this is Saturday morning’s attack on the Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, Illinois where a pro-family group planned a fund raising banquet that evening. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, has worked closely with Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) and has interviewed Dr. Scott Lively several times for our weekly radio program.
“Peter LaBarbera and Scott Lively have both been falsely accused of being haters and received death threats from homosexual activists. That simply attests to their bold and unwavering message. I’ve seen both in action and neither are haters, but they see the homosexual as someone in need of the saving grace of Jesus Christ,” remarked Diane Gramley, President of the AFA of PA, who attended the inaugural Truth Academy at Christian Liberty Academy in August 2010.
Earlier in the week the Gay Liberation Network (GLN), who had loudly picketed last year’s Truth Academy, sent a letter to the banquet’s keynote speaker Dr. Erwin Lutzer, pastor of the Moody Bible Church in Chicago, asking him to back out of the speaking engagement. The reasons outlined in the demand letter was the supposed hateful, bigoted, homophobic actions of Peter and Scott. Again repeated in the letter were the lies told about Scott’s involvement in Uganda’s attempt to strengthen their laws against homosexuality. GLN also threw in the ridiculous listing of AFTAH as a ‘hate group’ by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is very good at ignoring real hate groups such as GLN and other homosexual groups. To Dr. Lutzer’s credit he was not swayed by the hateful demand letter, as he and his church had also been maligned by the GLN when he wrote a book against same-sex marriage. That time he was labeled a hater and his church was a “House of Hate.”
The bricks thrown through the doors and windows at the Christian Liberty Academy Saturday morning contained hateful messages. Click here and here. (Warning vulgar language!) Pastor Calvin Lindstrom did not allow this attack or the promise of future attacks on the school his church operates hinder the planned banquet that evening.
“There is no doubt who the haters are and they are not Peter LaBarbera or Dr. Scott Lively. The GLN and others have once again shown their real intentions and those are to shut down all debate, all viewpoints which they consider negative. The AFA of PA is proud to stand beside these two men of God and their message. We will not hesitate to continue working with them,” concluded Gramley.
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