AFA of PA ACTION ALERTMichelle Friedland

April 8, 2014


Ask These Senators to Oppose This Radical Nominee for Ninth Circuit


The last three nominees to California seats on the Ninth Circuit have all been from the same “large donor” law firm; Michelle Friedland is the third such nominee, which raises serious questions as to lack of diversity and influence.  The Munger Tolles & Olson firm is reportedly one of the largest law firm donors to Senator Dianne Feinstein.   Clearly, the Munger firm’s largest cash recipients are the two people with the most influence over California’s judicial nominations (President Obama and Senator Feinstein).

Here are some of her radical views:

  • Written laws mean nothing until judges say they do.
  • She is an Executive Board member of the radical, anti-constitutional “American Constitution Society,” Bay Area Lawyer Chapter.
  • She invites judges to expressly reject the intent of the Constitution.
  • Friedland argues that the “Separation of Powers” Doctrine gives the courts legislative power to write their own views into the Constitution.
  • She argued in the Hollingsworth v. Perry case that California voters violated the federal  Constitution by maintaining marriage as only between one man and one woman.
  • She denies the text of the Bill of Rights and creates  non-textual, non-existent rights.
  • She received the ACLU of Southern California’s LGBT Award for her work against the voter adopted California Proposition 8 protecting marriage and also received the 2013 Pro Bono Service Award from the State Bar of California for her work against religious liberty, seeking enforcement of a ban against faith-based families free exercise rights.

You get the idea how radical she is!  In addition she has practiced law for only nine years and has never served as a judge and now President Obama wants her to be given a life-time appointment to the US federal judicial system!!

Action Steps

Go to our ACTION CENTER and ask Senators Casey and Toomey to vote ‘No’ on cloture and on the final vote on the floor.

JAG ( Judicial Action Group) is also asking that these swing vote Senators  be contacted.  Simple message:  “Vote ‘NO’ on confirmation of Michelle Friedland for Ninth Circuit.”

Republicans:  Susan Collins (ME) email using web form, call at (202) 224-2523; Lisa Murkowski (AK) email using web form,  call at 202-224-6665; Lamar Alexander (TN) email using web form, call at (202) 224-4944; Lindsey Graham (SC) email using web form , call at (202) 224-5972; Mark Kirk (IL) email using web form, call at 202-224-2854; John McCain (AZ) email using web form, call at (202) 224-2235.

Democrats: Mark Begich (AK) email using web form, call at (202) 224-3004; Joe Donnelly (IN) email using web form,  call at (202) 224-4814; Kay Hagan (NC) email using web form,   call at (202) 224-6342; Heidi Heitkamp (ND) email using web form,  call at (202) 224-2043; Joe Manchin (WV) email using web form,  call at (202) 224-3954;  Mary Landrieu (LA) email using web form,  call at (202) 224-5824;  Mark Pryor (AR) email using web form,  call at (202) 224-2353; Jay Rockefeller (WV) email using web form, call at (202) 224-6472;  John Walsh (MT) email using web form,  call at (202) 224-2651; Mark Warner (VA)  email using web form,  call at (202) 224-2023;  Mark Udall (CO) email using web form,   call at (202) 224-5941; and Tom Udall (NM) email using web form,  call at (202) 224-6621.