Author: Diane Gramley

Action Alert – Three Christian Students Come to the Defense of Penncrest School District’s New Policy

Courage is what this world needs during these troubling times and three young Christian students in Penncrest School District were unafraid to step forward and express their support for the recent school board policy which removed sexually explicit books from the district libraries. Show your support for their courage.

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Podcast – The Importance of School Board Races; Guest: Dr. Rick Scarborough – Recover America

With the lockdowns due to COVID, parents have seen what their children are being taught or, perhaps, it is more accurate to say they have seen the indoctrination that their children are being subjected to. Prior to the formation of the US Department of Education, parents had more say in their child’s education. BTW ‘education’ is not listed in the US Constitution as one of the powers given to Congress, so is the US Department of Education even constitutional? However, parents and all taxpayers do have a say in the makeup of the local school board.

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Action Alert – Parental Rights Amendment to be Introduced in Congress

The protection of parental rights should be a fundamental right, yet the US Constitution does not specifically address that issue. An increasingly overbearing government requires the necessity to amend the US Constitution in order to protect the rights of parents to raise their children as they see fit. Soon a Parental Rights Amendment will be introduced in Congress.

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