Author: Diane Gramley

Action Alert – Senate State Government to Hold Hearing on Parental Rights Bill

Parental rights have eroded over recent years and we now see almost daily attacks on parents as they seek to bring up their children as they see fit. Even the Department of Justice describes parents who speak up at school board meetings as domestic terrorists. CYS is called in when parents make decisions that don’t adhere to the views of “woke” society. Thousands of children have been snatched from the arms of loving parents simply for not following the “pied piper” of an increasingly anti-Christian, anti-natural family, over-reaching government. Parental rights need to be restored.

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News Release – Lycoming County First ‘Gay’ Pride Event is a Bad Idea

On Saturday, October 8, 2022 the first ever pride event was held in Lycoming County.   Williamsport LGBT Community Outreach promoted the event.  According to the mission statement found on their website, they want to make “Williamsport and surrounding areas a welcoming place for people of all sexual orientations and gender expressions.”  They also want to create “support systems in education facilities”.    Drag queen and political activist Tina Burner was the host for the event.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide advocacy group, opposes the polices endorsed by Williamsport LGBT Community Outreach and Tina Burner and recognizes the danger to children those policies pose.  Conditioning children to believe the absurdity that they or anyone could be “born into the wrong body,” and that a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.

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Action Alert – The VA is Allowing Abortions, but the law says something else

The Department of Veteran’s Affairs is not following the law and needs to be called out on it. Last month the VA issued a new rule allowing abortions at their facilities for rape, incest, life of the mother – which includes no definition. This rule change opens the door for abortions at all ages of gestation and for any reason. The VA needs to hear from you!

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